If you would like to pay your CDC tuition and fees online, you may do so by contacting us at 979-245-5951 and coming by the CDC office to setting up your payments with us.
Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Established 1979
In January of 1979, the congregation of First Baptist Church, Bay City, TX, voted to establish a Christian Child Development Center to meet the needs of the growing church family and community.
The Child Development Center operates in compliance with the “Minimum Standards” for childcare as established by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. We exceed these standards by providing the best student/teacher ratio of any childcare facility in the county. It is also mandatory that all employees have a background check and be fingerprinted. (A copy of “Minimum Standards” and information concerning how to contact the local licensing office is available from the center’s director upon request.)
Why Choose Us
-curriculum is centered on God and His Creation
-Only Christian based center in the county
-Exceeds standards set forth by the government
Mission Statement
The mission of the Child Development Center is to extend the ministry of and to help accomplish the vision of First Baptist Church. This will be accomplished by providing care, education, and development for each enrolled child to reach his/her greatest potential…spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially, and by providing developmentally-appropriate activities and guidance. We will also provide a program of ministry and outreach to the families of the children enrolled.
Statement of Purpose
Realizing the early years of a child’s life are crucial to all future development, our desire is to supplement the home during these formative years, not to replace it. The goal of the Child Development Center is to:
All Day Preschool
This program is available to children of parents who are employed outside the home, five days a week, for at least six hours each working day. Two snacks, a lunch, and a preschool curriculum will be provided. (Three and four-year-olds must be potty trained.)
Chapel will be held in the Worship Center on Wednesday mornings. All students ages 2-4 will attend. Children under 2 will be invited on special occasions. Chapel time will include pledges to the American and Christian flags and the Bible, Bible stories, songs, special guests, and prayers.
We believe that a child forms his early concept of God from the people and experiences that are a part of his environment. God, Christ, and the things God has made are emphasized in our curriculum through appropriate activities. Bible stories and songs are included in the curriculum that the children may grow in the knowledge of God and His love. However, no formal religious doctrine or beliefs are taught.
General Information
The CDC, as a non-profit ministry, makes every effort to maintain the lowest tuition possible consistent with the high standards of program and care desired for the children. The center reserves the right to adjust tuition in relationship to increased or decreased operation expenses. Parents will be notified in writing at least 30 days in advance of tuition changes. Each child has a reserved placed in the CDC. In order to hold this reserved place, weekly tuition must be paid whether or not the child attends.
Tuition per week for 5 days a week: Summer tuition:
Infant (Birth-18 mos.) $180 per child Infant (Birth-18 mos.) $180 per child
Child (18 mos.-Pre K) $170 per child Child (18mos-School-Age) $170 per child
School Age (K-5th Grade) $90 per child School Age (K-5th Grade) $170 per child
Ask about our discounts for two or more children
Registration Fees
A $75 registration fee is to be paid when a child is accepted for admission. This is a non-refundable fee, which ensures the child’s place in the center and is to be paid on a yearly basis. This fee will hold your child’s place for one month prior to enrollment or until the new school year begins. A $25 supply fee is also due in January, June, & September.
Financial Policy
Hours of Operation
6:00 am – 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday
Arrival and Departure Hours
The center will close for the following holidays: Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and for staff development training if needed. You will be notified of that date each year as soon as it is made available to us. Also, for Christmas, New Year’s, and Independence Day, the CDC holidays will vary based on the day of the week on which those holidays fall.
Severe Weather and Emergencies
Child Development Center
2321 Avenue F
Bay City, TX 77414
CDC Phone: 979-245-5951
Fax: 979-245-7154
CDC Contact Form:
Fill out the form if you have questions or would like more information. You can also fill out the form to let us know if your child will be absent.
Get In Touch
Address: 2321 Avenue F Bay City, TX. 77414 Phone: (979) 245-5518
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 4:30pm
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